One focus of LUIS’s business activities – in addition to our tried-and-trusted serial models – is the development of bespoke products. There are two alternatives: 1) OEM adaptation and 2) ODM development.

1) OEM adaptations are individual adaptations of LUIS serial products that are relatively quick to implement. We modify our products in accordance with your specific requirements and can manufacture in small batches starting from as few as 200 units. An OEM adaptation can include:

  • Individual customer logo on the camera and/or monitor casing
  • Customized start screen (e. g. with specific logo or text)
  • Additional camera features such as integrated heating, a microphone or voltage converter
  • A different lens with a specific opening angle
  • Modified image mirroring (front insert) or modified TV system (NTSC)
  • Modification of plugs/connectors or loose cable ends
  • Customized cable length
  • Individually customized distance lines (line design and vehicle-specific calibration)
  • Colour customization for the camera casing
  • Special outer packaging or cartons
  • Individually adapted installation and/or user instructions
  • Additional language options for monitor menus or installation/user instructions

2) ODM development means that products are being newly developed on the basis of your requirements and specifications, from casing design all the way to a completely redesigned camera or monitor assembly:

  • ODM development can range from a modification or completely new design of the camera or monitor casing, modification of the monitor software all the way to a completely redesigned camera or monitor assembly
  • LUIS undertakes the internal supervision and coordination with any external partners for the development process, prototype construction, first article inspection, certification and serial production.
  • ODM development is always performed on the basis of your requirement specification
  • We verify the feasibility of any proposed ODM development prior to accepting a commission. In case of a positive result, we prepare an outline time schedule and agree it with you
  • The extent and expenditure of development depend on the complexity of your ideas and their realisation



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